Treasure Hunt Brno for Erasmus+ participants
We are used to diverse groups of people from different countries, but the participants of Kickstart Your Business Erasmus+ Training Course were surely the most heterogenous we have encountered so far.
Young people from nine countries enjoyed the Treasure Hunt Brno as a part of their getting-to-know each other activities and to be able to explore the beautiful city of Brno in a modern and fun way.
“We were expecting a normal city game with a pen and paper, but the Terra Hunt application overcame our expectations. We quickly got into the game and were running around the city to find all of the treasures,” remembers Ana Perez from Spain. “We didn’t win, but we had a ton of fun and I learned a lot about the city too.”
Team building city game for diverse groups
Young prospective entrepreneurs from Armenia, Belarus, Italy, Spain, Germany, Croatia, Georgia, Lithuania and Czech Republic came to Brno to attend an Erasmus+ Training Course about entrepreneurship organized by informal group of young people Proactive Mind.
The main goal was to get knowledge, skills and attitudes to help them succeed in their future career, write a basic business proposition and very importantly to meet successful entrepreneurs to look up to.
“We chose the Treasure Hunt Brno for our participants not only because it is a great fun team building city game, but also because we wanted our participants to see another example of a successful business, that started small, but with hard work and dedication grew to being a leader of modern GPS games for companies,” says the main organizer Ondřej Přikryl.
“To have a successful business it is very important to know your field. For example, in the event management in Czech Republic there is quite big competition, so you need to try hard to make clients notice you and understand your services are the best. It is also good to have a wider range of products and programs for clients of different needs and budget,” gives advice to the future entrepreneurs Jiří Zmidloch, one of leaders of Terra Hunt. “But I believe the most important is to have a great team, active, motivated and reliable people. Then you can solve any challenges that might come your way and your company will work better.
Exploring the world with Erasmus+ and TerraHunt
Erasmus+ is a program funded by the European Commission that makes it possible for people of almost all ages to go abroad, learn and get invaluable experience.
The participants of the Kickstart Your Business Training Course had their travel, accommodation, food and activities during the project payed for.
They spent 8 days in a different country, learning and having fun with people from all over Europe and they didn’t even have to spend a cent. Except maybe when they wanted to get some traditional sweets or drinks on beautiful Christmas markets in Brno and Prague. And at the end of the whole project they presented their business propositions in a Shark tank for a panel of judges, successful entrepreneurs themselves.
But who won?
The winning team of the Treasure Hunt Brno for Erasmus+ participants was team called Moscow. Interestingly, it was the only team in the game that didn’t have any member who knew Brno or could speak Czech. “We were enjoying the game and especially looking for answers to the questions on the buildings and around. This game really makes you spot things you would normally overlook!” says Hleb Salaujou from Belarus.
“It was awesome, I loved it so much. I wish I could play something like this with my friends in Italy too!” hopes Annamaria Lacangellera from Italy.
Well, Annamaria, we don’t want to reveal too much, but wait a few months and you might be able to play some Terra Hunt games in your country, too!