Adventure in the Heart of Vysočina: Treasure Hunt at Conference Hotel Luna

Adventure in the Heart of Vysočina: Treasure Hunt at Conference Hotel Luna

Z-AGENCY, in collaboration with Conference Hotel Luna, has created an exciting activity called Treasure Hunt Luna Settlers, which combines strategic thinking, observation, and exploration of the surrounding nature.

Author Jiri Zmidloch

Nature, Comfort, and Clever Fun

Conference Hotel Luna is situated in the stunning Vysočina region and offers ideal conditions for corporate events, training sessions, and leisure stays. With its large accommodation capacity, several conference halls, excellent infrastructure, and a wide range of sports activities, it is a sought-after destination for corporate events.

Z-AGENCY Team Building Company, the operator of the TerraHunt gaming platform, brings a unique approach to team building programs. By combining the strengths of both companies, they have developed a game concept that fuses teamwork, logical thinking, and the discovery of the region's natural beauty.

About the Treasure Hunt Luna Settlers Game

Treasure Hunt: Luna Settlers transports participants to a futuristic world set in the year 3024, when humanity is preparing to colonize the Moon. Using the TerraHunt mobile app, players explore the area around the hotel and search for treasures – tasks and questions strategically placed in various locations.

Who Can Play?

The game is ideal for corporate events, team building activity, family getaways, and individual tourists. It can be played solo or in groups of up to 200 people, who are then divided into smaller teams.

How to Get Started

Upon arrival at the hotel reception, players receive a QR code to download the TerraHunt app. After launching the game, they are introduced to the rules through a short instructional video. Scanning the QR code kicks off the adventure, immersing them in the story of Moon colonization.

Game Objective and Mechanics

The goal is to find as many treasures as possible within a set time limit, answer questions correctly, and score maximum points. The game lasts approximately 1 to 2.5 hours and is perfect for both groups and individuals.

Game Development Process

In collaboration with Conference Hotel Luna, the Z-AGENCY team designed a game concept tailored to the location, featuring 30 treasures spread across the picturesque Vysočina landscape.

Connecting the Game with the Surroundings

The game was designed to integrate with the environment, drawing inspiration from local history and natural attractions. Its versatility makes it suitable for both corporate teams and families with children.

Accessibility and Flexibility

Players can freely explore the area and complete tasks at their own pace. Thanks to its digital format, the game is available at any time, and the hotel can continuously offer it as part of its service portfolio.

How Guests Can Play

All that is needed is a mobile phone with internet access. Guests can download the TerraHunt app from the App Store or Google Play and start the game by scanning the QR code available at the hotel reception. Then, they set off on a treasure hunt, completing tasks and earning points based on their correct answers. The game provides fun for 1 to 2.5 hours and is accessible to both individuals and groups.

How to Reserve the Game

The game can be booked directly through the Conference Hotel Luna website as an add-on to your stay reservation, or by calling +420 569 738 800. It is also possible to book via email at

We recommend booking in advance, especially for larger groups.

What This Collaboration Brings

The partnership between Z-AGENCY and Conference Hotel Luna expands the range of activities available to hotel guests. By merging modern technology with the beauty of nature, guests can enjoy a unique outdoor activity while exploring the local surroundings.

Hotel Luna enhances its service offerings, appealing to a broader range of guests, while Z-AGENCY provides a flexible gaming solution that can be adapted to other locations. Guests receive an exceptional experience that combines active movement with entertaining education.

Treasure Hunt at Conference Hotel Luna is a fantastic way to enjoy a nature retreat and experience a team game full of logical challenges.

Come and play!